Did you know that our Chain-Ins — the unique form of protest we invented, at which we gather in bridal gowns and chains to demand an end to forced and child marriage — have garnered huge media attention? They have been featured on Hillary and Chelsea Clinton’s Gutsy series on Apple TV+ and in the LA Times, Washington Post, New York Times and more.
And did you know that we have Chained-In 18 times since 2015, in eight U.S. states — seven of which went on to end child marriage? In fact, the Connecticut state senate, which had held up the child-marriage ban for weeks, finally passed it unanimously just minutes after our Chain-In, as a direct result.
And did you know our 19th Chain-In will be in Olympia, Washington, in January?
Please help us raise $100k in the last 50 days of 2023 so we can continue pushing — in bridal gowns and chains when necessary — to end forced and child marriage in all 50 U.S. states.