Sofia* was trapped in her abusive arranged marriage for more than 20 years. Cultural norms made divorce difficult when she and her husband lived in Syria; after they moved to the US, divorce seemed impossible. Sofia has six children to care for, and she has been financially dependent on her husband for most of her life. Her English is imperfect. Her understanding of American culture is limited.
So when Sofia’s husband recently fled back to Syria – taking all the couple’s money with him, and leaving the family in a house for which the mortgage had not been paid in several months – Sofia was simultaneously relieved that the beatings had stopped and terrified about her family’s future.
Unchained is helping Sofia develop her resume and find a job, so she can support herself and her six children. And Unchained has paired Sofia with a “mentor” from a similar background who fought to avoid her own arranged marriage, who supports Sofia emotionally.
But more than anything, Sofia needs a pro bono matrimonial attorney in New Jersey who can handle the complex international nature of her divorce. Can you help Sofia?
*To protect the privacy of Unchained clients, the photos used on this site are not actual and some details of clients’ stories have been changed or omitted.